New Project Preview: Bloedel Donovan Park Improvements

The Alabama Hill Neighborhood Association held its annual meeting on Feb. 6 at Bloedel Donovan Community Center. Nearly 20 people came to hear James King, Director of Parks and Recreation, speak about city-wide improvements, especially those coming to Bloedel Donovan Park.
The park will undergo storm water improvements as well as various changes to the layout of the grounds. The “Final Master Plan Amendment Bloedel Donovan Park” shown below outlines the changes coming next fall. The construction includes the removal of the retaining wall, the construction of a beach area, the addition of a boathouse, and a new sand filtration trench that will filter waste down into the groundwater, away from the drinking water. To see how Bloedel Donovan park compares to other parks in Bellingham, click here.
According to the Bloedel Master Plan Amendment Meeting document from March 29, 2012, the filtration trench will help to “capture and treat storm water runoff from the grass lawn area and remove and reduce fecal coliform contributions by treating surface flow."
The purpose of these changes it to follow the neighborhood plan of Silver Beach. The City wants to keep the park suitable for recreation; the reason it was created. For more information on these improvements, I’ll be covering the story fully in the next few days, so stay tuned.

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